Ar 15 m16 drop-in auto safety sear

AR 15 Drop in Auto Sear (DIAS) plans.
04.01.2010 · Best Answer: You cannot own both is correct unless its a registered sear known as DIAS. The pre 81 sear has no ser# or paperwork usually and the ATF can
My full Auto 10.5" AR-15 with RDIAS (.
AR-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This video demonstrates the features of the Brownells AR-15/M-16 Flattop Riser. For more information please visit
13.08.2008 · Best Answer: If your intent is to make an M16 from an AR15 you could be violating federal firearms laws.
Ar 15 m16 drop-in auto safety sear
M16 Auto Bolt Carrier Group in a semi.
AXTS Lower, Noveske 10.5" Switchblock upper, AAC M4-2000 Suppressor, full auto RDIAS (registered drop in auto sear).
Tactical accessories and gear for AR-15 and M16 (AR15 and M-16). Picatinny rail systems: FIRSH from Olympic Arms. Other equipment: accu-wedge, tools, receiver
The AR-15 is a lightweight, 5.56 mm, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle, with a rotating-lock bolt, actuated by direct impingement gas operation or long/short stroke
What are the pros and cons? Will it be legal or illegal? Will I need upgrades to compensate the heavier bolt?
Brownells - Brownells AR-15/M16 Flattop.

Ar 15 m16 drop-in auto safety sear
AR15, AR-15, M16 Gear and Accessories AR.About the pre 1981 AR-15 drop in auto.